Moving back into the World...

Hey all, it's been a week of rest and relaxation and now I am ready to get back on track and re-join the world.  The Canada I have known and loved has moved to a different space, and we won't know how far to the right we are going until the next couple of years have passed.  Hopefully, it will not create too much change in places we need to protect, like our First Nation territorial agreements or land management process.

For now, we have an incredible amount of work to do with getting our youth ready for the coming decades, we have to work side by side with them to ensure they can access the support and encouragement we have to offer.  We have a very young population and that means that there is a lot of risk, but also a lot of love that can be identified to help them stay in school, set life goals, and learn to do things differently than they have been done in the past.  We must rekindle a close connection to the land, and teach them the beauty of their history and heritage, language is an important element that will be lost if we do not pay it proper attention, and forming family and community is a duty that we can not leave to chance.

I hope that you will work with me, and with them, to make a solid future a real possibility. We can no longer languish in what might have been and used to be's, we have to move to what is and will be through sheer will and determination.  We can do this, we have the power within to accomplish everything we put our minds to, I am counting on you to support our youth, and me, and anyone else willing to take the initiative to teach them how to make their dreams a reality, Chi Miigwetch, Cynthia...

Calling all Volunteers and supporters!

Great Party last night, excellent band, just a tad loud for the group, but thank you!!  We rocked, no losers in this crowd!

This is a country we all love and support, and working together is the kind of example we want to put forward to everyone, especially to the Government of Canada.

We can only be the best we can be by including everyone in the conversation, thank you for stopping by to say hello, a toast to a job well done, and a toast to the future of our Nation.  We made it a good night, full of smiles, excellent conversation and friendship!  All the best and THANK YOU to everyone, especially the press, and APTN, Cynthia...

Go York Simcoe, Vote Liberal! YouTube/Streaming

Check the East Gwillimbury Debate, April 20th 

Check both, one will work for sure, cheers, Vote Liberal, Cynthia...

Watch APTN tonight, Tuesday, April 26th, 6:00pm National News for a profile on me and our beautiful riding, will replay 11:30pm tonight if you miss, cheers, Cynthia...

This is a video for you, for our kids, for our future as a country!  It spreads the word about what kind of Government we want in Canada. A government our kids support, one we support!  Our kids are voting for a Canada that includes them, so am I, and I am hoping you"ll send me to Ottawa to let them know there too!
Thank you to the wonderful youth from the Canadian Roots Exchange, and the fabulous video work, and for David Fyfe who pulled this one together, and to all the people who have supported my effort to be elected in York-Simcoe!

Meeting the people of York-Simcoe

Seniors dancing to the Metis Fiddle and Singing at the Bradford Valley Seniors Residence on the 21st of April, lovely!

Good day everyone, what a wonderful experience it has been to meet people around this riding and I am sorry we cannot meet every single individual.  There has been much laughter, some anger from the opposition party that is hard for me to understand since we all have a right to choose, and anger always equates to fear for me.  I don't think we should ever be afraid when it comes to how we view our mutual government.  The smiles and hope for the future have been wonderful, the need to protect our democracy as we have always known it strong, and the desire to maintain our health care a powerful motivating force.

Even the conservatives will have to use health care and they will be required to pay as much as everyone else if Mr. Harper fundamentally changes our system through privatization.  We must think of the future of this country and where we would like to be in ten or twenty years and how our government will serve our children.  We do not want to go backwards and into an American system, where people cannot afford to secure treatment and are burdened with huge debt when they have no choice, people discharged to the street while still recovering because they cannot pay.  Sure, many people in Canada can take care of themselves, and have the resources to do so, but many do not, and while we do not ever want to foster dependency, we must be open to providing necessary assistance when needed.

We are moving into a militarized mind-set, 500 billion expenditures by the Conservative Government over the next decade for National Defence, defence from what many are asking?  What happened to our Peacekeeping stance?  What happened to Canada being a respected member of the global community?  What happened to many things that once defined us on the world stage and at home?

Please, do not allow our country to be fundamentally altered and our identity changed to something we have never endorsed.  Do not split the vote and allow Harper to stroll up the middle, please ensure everyone votes Liberal, and do your best to banish a majority conservative government from ever gaining a foothold, I am running because I care deeply, I hope you do too, Cynthia...

We know you are there, and we are coming your way!

Me and my team have been out amongst the people of the riding everyday, it takes an enormous amount of time, energy and gas to cover so much territory, thank you to those who have dropped in to the blog and picked up information directly online.  I would love to meet each and everyone of you, I have learned so much already, and am so excited about the possibility of representing your interests in Ottawa.  There are many concerns, Health Care, palliative care, new hospice possibilities, transportation challenges, the Lake, youth employment, farming, and advocacy that is kinder and more reflective of everyone, not just the few.  Please feel free to touch base with me, I am honoured to talk to you and respond to your questions, Cynthia...

Ideas for Electoral Reform, who knows?     Some more ideas for democratic reform, it's going to be a necessary conversation, cheers, Cynthia...

So please visit right now,
watch the video, and then forward this email 
to everyone you know. Another idea from my chiropractor, any idea can be reviewed and kept or discarded.

   - Rick Raddatz

Something about Electoral Reform for those Asking...
I will include different options for discussion as I come across them, there are many around the world, and please feel free to add new things in the comment section.  
Or send them to me at  
Making our politicians fully accountable and engaged is the goal, and having a discussion on how to get there is vitally important.  I am always open to suggestion, new ideas, old ideas, and just plain ole' communication, talk to me, and I will always answer, thanks everyone for your ongoing support, Cynthia...

We can make a difference by speaking up!

Mr Van Loan wastes huge money on mailings that are partisan and plastered with his face.  We can save tax money by communicating with real people and get the work done, we will know if things are getting done.  My goal is to do this more effectively and efficiently and save money.   Cynthia...

What's the Word in this Riding?

Do not let the conservatives fool you, they are now running scared and are using dirty tactics to try to win, be strong and do not bend to their lies and deceit, we are using integrity, openness and full accountability to earn your vote, remember to vote on May 2nd, and Vote Liberal for Cynthia, and please, vote for anything but a Harper Majority, send Harper and his rabid control tactics packing, 

Protect Canada and your Democracy, VOTE Liberal!

Let's see a new day rising over the riding with a return of the Liberal Party.  We are determined to keep Canada, Canada and not allow the conservatives to sell us off to the United States.  I just met a young fellow who lost his job because the company he worked for moved to the US 8 months ago, and he cannot find new work, nor does he have the computer skills to compete with new technology, something the Liberal Party would help with.  

I am for a kinder more inclusive Canada and one that ensures people can work in or close to their own communities and have the transportation available to make this possible.  I can see through my door knocking in various communities that there are deficits in the riding that Mr. Van Loan for all his bragging in his massive and wasteful paper chase is not addressing.  Even more fiscal and political support for the Georgina Trades Training Institute would make some sense so that people could get training here in the riding instead of moving to Barrie or other places. Tax dollars better spent, not raised, or wasted by throwing tons of paper at people, is what make sense to me.

The work on the lake that he also takes credit for had nothing to do with him, but had everything to do with engaged and determined citizens of this riding.  I know because I am one of them and have spent considerable time working with people on public awareness, and I did not see him in those many sessions.  

Let me say I am a real person, from a real community, with real concerns and am not a career politician. I am involved because I care and want to see positive change and not just more lip services and cuts to important services.  I want to see child care that works, and jobs for regular people with regular lives and educations, and good transportation between communities.  We cannot allow the rich to get richer and the poor poorer because the conservative government wants to reward their allies in Big Business and lower Corporate Taxes while regular people pay and pay.  We have already seen they want a model of government that looks very American, with everyone for themselves, and those that need help out of luck.  Maybe that's fine for those with law degrees and homestead inheritances, but it doesn't work for all rural peoples.  We need to direct tax money directly into peoples lives and educations, not into going to war, putting planes that may fail in the arctic, or putting our kids in jail when they mess up because they are not directed into accessible and relevant education and given decent paying jobs right here at home.  

Let's vote Liberal and make this a riding to be proud of, Cynthia...

Calling Vote for Aboriginal Peoples "Bullshit" crosses the line

As a federal candidate in this election and a proud and deeply engaged and respected Aboriginal woman I am not only voting I am running for a seat. This is certainly not because of excessive greed for money or power. I can see from the example of the Maori government that participation has benefits for all people, not just those that have Ph.D's or permanent position in Institutions like UVIC.  We have to carry our voices wherever they might help those that need it and can hear it.  How dare anyone call the hard and dedicated work of thousands of Aboriginal peoples across this country "bullshit" how nice to sit on such a high seat of judgement and make those decrees against your own peoples. I have spent my entire life working hard to protect the interests of my community and to elevate Native issues across Canada and the US. I dropped out of school at 16 and have a Ph.D. today, and tell young people they can achieve even more by getting an education and being engaged in their society and knowing more about the larger world. I have been in the trenches most of my life, live on reserve and have taught at U of T.  I admire and support the many people I have met and had the privilege of working with from HS drop-outs to Native CEO's, academics, and yes, politicians on both sides of the table. I would never judge them to be less than and would certainly never call the work they do "bullshit" we are all doing our level best to improve conditions for Native people, to put forth the true history of this land, and to install pride in our people.  We tend to treaty rights, territorial jurisdiction, and a share of this country's resources, and we run for political positions that will give a loud and inclusive voice to those we protect and support.  In my humble opinion, there is no "bullshit" in that.

We are working on the Aboriginal Vote for Georgina Island

We have great youth on Georgina Island, with big smiles, positive dreams and a vision for the future.  They know that education means everything towards getting where they want to go, and many are voting for the first time, in their local council election and in the Federal Election.  The world beckons to them and I can see many of these dynamic young people being in positions that our grandparents would never have considered possible.  Go youth go, tell the world what you think and make a difference.

I am behind you all the way, I believe in you, and will help make that journey positive and exciting in any way I can, go, go go!

What's coming up???

We have a candidates forum on Friday, April 15th at 7:00 pm at "The Wheel" in Sandy Cove, Innisfil, please come out and support me and the Liberal Team.

We will be hosting a virtual Town Hall on April 17th at 3:00 pm with Carolyn Bennett, MP, and another special guest on the environment, and we will call out the call-in number to you next week.  This is an opportunity to meet me by phone and talk to Carolyn Bennett and myself about your questions and concerns in this riding and about the Federal Government.

We have a candidates debate on Rogers TV- Newmarket at 5:30p.m on the 20th of April, and another debate on the same evening at the East Gwillimbury Chamber of Commerce at 7:00pm.

We will also be hosting a second Virtual Town Hall on the 27th with a very special guest, but we are awaiting final confirmation before we release the name.  Please call in, this one will be on the economy and  education, with a man who is an expert in both.

Left: Cynthia Wesley-Esquimaux Right: Barbara Sibbald

The Briars Resort Gala 

Congratulations to winners of the Georgina Chamber of Commerce 2010 Business Excellence Awards

I would also like to congratulate all of the nominees, keep up the good work Georgina!

 I am looking forward to presenting next years candidates with their prestigious awards 

Cynthia Wesley-Esquimaux for York Simcoe Liberal

I am truly honored to be your York Simcoe Liberal Candidate for the upcoming 2011 Election.

I have dedicated my life to educating young people. I believe that bringing education to the students, rather than having them go away to seek education, is the key to realizing the full potential of Canada's diverse population.

I have made it a personal objective to keep up with rapidly advancing technology, active in social media networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Conferencing and Google Blogger.

These efforts are all for you, the people, to stay up to date, get a glimpse of my life, and get live opportunities to ask questions and stay informed through a live, online audio/video conference room. (please see My Video Page)

Liberals are for Economic Growth

Liberal Platform paves the way for economic growth by strengthening families.

(York-Simcoe)  Liberal’s plan to build a strong Canadian economy by helping individuals reach their full potential, ease the pressure on families and foster innovation that will help create a strong economy and new employment opportunities, with the release of their platform.

“We’re bringing a new level of economic stability to Canadian families by helping them with the cost of post-secondary education, child care, family care and saving for retirement,” said Cynthia Wesley-Equimaux, Liberal candidate for York-Simcoe.   “The new Liberal Platform belongs to everyone – because it’s about your family, your future, and your Canada.”